SAGA memberships
If you are renewing your current membership, simply make your Membership Payment by e-transfer to: SAGAPAYMENT@GMAIL.COM
If this is a new membership, please review the following information, fill out the form below, and e-transfer your membership fee to the same e-mail address.
Membership is open to anyone, both artists and non-artists, professionals and amateurs, who are interested in developing an understanding of Christian sacred art as a living tradition and its contributions to our present and future cultural heritage. Membership is open to individuals of any denominational affiliation as long as they support the SAGA statement of purpose.
Benefits of Membership:
• Chance to meet, share, and learn from/with others interested in the sacred arts at our open studios and general meetings;
• Advanced notification of, and registration for workshops or mentoring days organized by the guild;
• Preferential fees for workshops and mentoring days.
• Opportunities to exhibit/and sell your work at the SAGA Annual Exhibition and occasional parish displays;
• Listing in our directory of member artists and opportunities to post your work on the SAGA website/Facebook page;
• Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting;
• Volunteer opportunities in organizing guild events and promoting the sacred arts within our communities;
• Discounts at participating art supply stores.
Regular members: $50.
Students and Clergy: $25.
Seniors (65+): $40.
Non-members: may attend many events free or at a nominal fee determined for that event, but do not receive full benefits of membership. Annual membership dues are payable on March 1st of each year. Membership runs from March 1st to the last day of February.
To become a member, please read the Statement of Purpose and fill out the form below.
We recommend that all members subscribe to our Newsletter.
Please complete the form below
Please make your Membership Payment by e-transfer to: SAGAPAYMENT@GMAIL.COM
Your membership will be processed when payment is received.
If you require assistance making your payment or would like to make payment by cheque please email us at